10 days study visit report

10 Days Report

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ICT Educational Centers in Toyama

On Monday 18th of January i visited with Dr Takahashi Toyama city educational center and prefectural training center.
Toyama city educational center was previously an elementary school which closed its doors due to limited number of of elementary students because of the dramatic decrease in the child birth rate,and changed into educational center which provides ICT training and support for teachers. kunika sensei is the head of teacher training in the center.One of her major work is to visit schools and open teacher training,consulting ICT education ,e safety,technology morale ..with the help of a system engineer and other staff.
The next destination was city hall education board department,we couldn't have a chance to interview any of the staff as every one was busy and we didn't have an appointment before.The education board is so active, well organized and all staff concentrate on their work.Then we headed toward prefectural training center where Dr Takahashi serves as a visiting professor.This center is well equipped and has a number of rooms for training purposes with high tech equipment.It also provides web sites and mails servers for all toyama schools.
Though Dr takahashi was busy ,he spent all mornining with me ,Thank you Dr Takahashi

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